Westpac Banking Corporation BSB Numbers

List of Westpac Banking Corporation BSB Numbers with address and branch details

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When you send or receive an international transfer with your bank, you might lose money on a bad exchange rate and pay hidden fees as a result.
This is because banks hide a fee in the exchange rate, which means that you will spend more on international money transfers than you should.
We recommend you use Wise, which is usually much cheaper. For example, 1000 EUR transfer to USD can cost you as little as 4 EUR with TransferWise, compared to 28 EUR with a bank.

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To view the full details for each branch's BSB Number, please click on the BSB Number on the rightmost column.

Wongan Hills Wongan Hills WA 036-177
York York WA 036-179
Exmouth Exmouth WA 036-180
Tom Price Tom Price WA 036-182
Port Hedland Port Hedland WA 036-183
Esperance Esperance WA 036-184
Wickham Wickham WA 036-186
Karratha Karratha WA 036-187
Broome Broome WA 036-188
Christmas Island Christmas Island WA 036-189
South Hedland South Hedland WA 036-190
Mandurah Forum Mandurah WA 036-192
Warwick Warwick WA 036-215
Warwick Warwick WA 036-219
Canning Vale Canning Vale WA 036-224
Whitford City Hillarys WA 036-226
Yanchep Yanchep WA 036-229
Butler Butler WA 036-230
Joondalup Joondalup WA 036-231
Clarkson Clarkson WA 036-233
Lakeside Branch Joondalup WA 036-235
Woodvale Woodvale WA 036-237
Bull Creek Bull Creek WA 036-302
Nedlands Nedlands WA 036-304
Fremantle Fremantle WA 036-306
South Perth South Perth WA 036-308
Innaloo Innaloo WA 036-310
Customer Management Centre Perth WA 036-314
Centralised Accounts, Perth Perth WA 036-360
Private Bank WA Perth WA 036-406
UPSL WA Sydney NSW 036-598
Kununurra Branch Kununurra WA 036-600
Kalgoorlie Kalgoorlie WA 036-601
Bridgetown Bridgetown WA 036-602
Merredin Merredin WA 036-604
Moora Moora WA 036-605
Wongan Hills Wongan Hills WA 036-608
Denmark Denmark WA 036-609
Narrogin Narrogin WA 036-611
Margaret River Margaret River WA 036-613
Carnamah Carnamah WA 036-615
Quairading Quairading WA 036-620
Bunbury Bunbury WA 036-625
Katanning Katanning WA 036-628
Harvey Harvey WA 036-631
Narrogin Narrogin WA 036-635
Katanning Katanning WA 036-637
Geraldton Geraldton WA 036-639
Wongan Hills Wongan Hills WA 036-641
Merredin Merredin WA 036-643

What is Westpac Banking Corporation BSB number? Westpac Banking Corporation BSB number is a six digit number used to identify bank branches for Australian banks. BSB numbers will be different based on the branch of the account holder. It is based on the bank account origin by state and city.
In order to find the check BSB number of the branch you are looking for, click on the BSB Number link next to the branch name. Additionally, the list of bank BSB numbers is visible on this page for easier access.